November Monthly Meeting
April 25, 2023
Attended by Micah Ralston

Finalize introduction to triage concepts in order to launch subcommittee work.

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Triage Approaches Subcommittee Meeting 1 January
April 25, 2023
Attended by Micah Ralston

Review of draft statements for discussion generation about development or review of Triage approaches to be recommended to full committee for use in Oregon Crisis Care implementation.

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October Monthly Meeting
October 27, 2022
Attended by Micah Ralston

Provide an Introduction through presentation for Triage Approaches in Crisis Care Guidance

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September Monthly Meeting
September 30, 2022
Attended by Micah Ralston

Understanding disadvantage indices in practice and defining health justice. What was the impact of COVID-19 and scare resources on our community?

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August Monthly Meeting
August 25, 2022
Attended by Micah Ralston

Committee met and received a presentation from Dr. Ruqaiijah Yearby on health justice considerations for Crisis Standards of Care / Crisis Care Guidelines.

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July Monthly Meeting
July 26, 2022
Attended by Micah Ralston

Adopting the finalized working agreements discussed in previous meetings.

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June Monthly Meeting
June 28, 2022
Attended by Micah Ralston

– Identify meeting expectations defined by committee members to utilize for all future ORAAC meetings
– Gain a sense of what principles guide committee members when thinking about crisis care and health equity

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May Monthly Meeting
May 23, 2022
Attended by Micah Ralston

Presentation from OHA/Dana Hargunani, OHA Chief Medical Officer on history of crisis care tools in Oregon.
Understanding format of meetings and meeting tools such as interpretation, captions and transcripts.

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Human Rights Commission Meeting
July 19, 2021
Attended by Paula Markovitz

The newly appointed commissioners continue to work on establishing the foundation for how the HRC will conduct its business. At today’s meeting we discussed how regional committees will be organized and who will be eligible to serve on the committees. At the next meeting commissioners will review a draft of policies and procedures that have been discussed during this and the previous meeting.

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Public Policy Meeting
June 15, 2021
Attended by Emily Braman

Committee reviewed the 4 Priorities of the Coalition and how they are faring at this time. Still a waiting game for the DHS budget.

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WINGS Committee
June 9, 2021
Attended by Emily Braman and Paula Markovitz

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Public Policy Meeting DD Coalition
June 8, 2021
Attended by Emily Braman

Committee reviewed the current status of important bills and that we are in a waiting game regarding the DHS budget.

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Public Policy Meeting
June 1, 2021
Attended by Emily Braman

This was the annual meeting.

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