Employer Resource Connection
What is the Employer Resource Connection?
The Employer Resource Connection (ERC, formerly known as STEPS) program offers free resources for people who are approved to receive in-home services through Medicaid or Oregon Project Independence.
These resources are designed to promote successful working relationships between people with disabilities and the people they employ to provide in-home supports. ERC services may also be accessed by a designated representative in place of the person who receives the in-home supports.
What type of services are offered?
- Individual Consultations
- Personalized Training
- Workshops
Available Resources
- Training Guide: Being a Successful Employer – a comprehensive guide of resources and tools to support you as an employer
- Quick Reference Sheets for recruiting, hiring, and managing your employees
- Management Tools designed to help you successfully direct your in-home services
Covered Topics
- Understanding your support needs
- Preparing for, finding, and interviewing potential employees
- Hiring processes
- Training and managing employees
- Addressing problems with employees

Our consultants provide a variety of services in Eastern and Central Oregon. The counties in which services are offered are:
- Baker
- Gilliam
- Grant
- Harney
- Hood River
- Malheur
- Morrow
- Sherman
- Umatilla
- Union
- Wallowa
- Wasco
- Wheeler
- Deschutes
- Jefferson
- Crook
If you live outside of Central or Eastern, Oregon please Click Here to find an ERC consultant in your area.
Ready to Get Started?
Contact us:
or download, complete, and return a
Referral Form

DD Referral Form
APD Referral Form
HSD Referral Form
These referral forms are offered in PDF and Microsoft Word format. We recommend using a secure email server to send completed documents. You may also contact us and we can assist you in completing and/or submitting the form.
For more information about the Employer Resource Connection program or to request a workshop in your local area, please reach out to Alice Massey, ERC Project Manager at 541-215-7085.
The Arc Oregon is pleased to offer Employer Resource Connection training and consultation services through a contract with the Oregon Home Care Commission. For more information about the Oregon Home Care Commission, including ERC service providers in other Oregon counties, visit their website.