Have feedback about one of these resources? Please send us an email at info@thearcoregon.org.
ABLE Adventures
ABLE takes care of all of the planning, logistics, and provides support while traveling to adults with disabilities.
<img src="https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/70850672_2351358181791530_6992649259778572288_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&_nc_ohc=ZtDbaV63UsMAQmya-EuWMQ2AUKXs6IJylUJZNYPuVMSSs4R_FU5AKoZ5Q&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=6f320b097f8a611d87cb8973906ab5af&oe=5E40BA89"/>
Resource #4595
ADRC Caregiver Support
Family Caregiver Support Program that helps caregivers support their loved ones and themselves.
(855) 673-2372
<img src=""/>
Resource #4647
Aging and Disability Resource Connection
Benefit specialists provide help to older adults and people with disabilities with questions and problems related to benefits such as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, SNAP, and health insurance.
(855) 673-2372 ♦ ADRC.WebMessages@state.or.us
<img src="https://www.adrcoforegon.org/consite/images/logo.png"/>
Resource #4640
Among Friends
Helps people understand social-sexual behaviors within an ecological framework and offer innovative strategies, skills and solutions. Offers trainings, couching and behavioral support in Oregon.
(503) 332-8783
<img src="https://www.among-friends.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/AmongFriends-Logo_withTag.jpg"/>
Resource #4629
ARCH National Respite Network and Resource Center
Information on Respite Providers and Programs in the State of Oregon.
(703) 256-2084
<img src=""/>
Resource #4646
ASAN -Autistic Self Advocacy Network
Nonprofit organization run by and for autistic people. ASAN was created to serve as a national grassroots disability rights organization for the autistic community, advocating for systems change and ensuring that the voices of autistic people are heard in policy debates and the halls of power.
<img src="https://autisticadvocacy.org/wp-content/themes/asan/images/logo_footer.png"/>
Resource #4612
Assistive Technology Lab with Community Vision Inc
A lab that provides access to appropriate technology supports to increase meaningful participation in communities of choice for people with disabilities.
(503) 292-4964
<img src="https://cv-atlab.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/at-lab-logo-js.png"/>
Resource #4639
Association of Oregon Centers Independent Living
Independent Living Centers are nonresidential organizations serving individuals of any age with any disabilities in Oregon and provide services, which include information and referral, peer support, independent living skills training, individual and systems advocacy, and life transition assistance.
(541) 672-6336
<img src="https://www.aocil.org/wp-content/themes/simone-child/lib/images/site-logo.png"/>
Resource #4636
Autism & Special Needs Furniture
Pillow furniture for individuals with Autism and other sensory or physical needs.
(541) 689-8435
<img src=""/>
Resource #4613
Autism Risk Management
Autism training and resources for law enforcement, emergency first responders, parents, educators, care providers, and the autism community.
<img src="https://www.autismriskmanagement.com/"/>
Resource #4620
Autism Society of Oregon
Empowers individuals with Autism, their families and their service providers to improve the quality of their lives through support and information. Provides resources, education, advocacy and support to everyone living with Autism in Oregon.
(888) 288-4761 ♦ info@AutismSocietyOregon.org
<img src="https://autismsocietyoregon.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/AS0-logo-horz-small.png"/>
Resource #4633
Autistic Community Activity Program
Summer day camp for those with autism (ages 5 and up). Respite funds can be used to pay for ACAP tuition.
(503) 649-2066 ♦ acapinformation@gmail.com
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/51210a_460b158653b743d4870d41ad836addd5~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_108,h_108,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/acap%20logo.webp"/>
Resource #4600
Bridging Communities
Family-led initiative that is responsive to the needs of families in Southern Oregon with children experiencing intellectual and developmental disabilities.
(541) 690-8542 ♦ info@bcoregon.org
<img src="https://dlaerenjeir9c.cloudfront.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/05/10141211/Logo-new.png"/>
Resource #4663
Busy Kid
Free, easy to use, online chore chart and reward system for organizing and motivating your kids to learn firsthand how to save, share and spend.
<img src="https://busykid.com/wp-content/themes/mbn-busykid/images/footer_logo.png"/>
Resource #4589
Camp Quest
One of a kind overnight camp in the Pacific Northwest. Specifically designed for children with high functioning Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome.
(503) 320-3103 ♦ asdoregon@yahoo.com
<img src="https://www.asdoregon.org/wp-content/themes/CampQuest/images/logo-main.png"/>
Resource #4602
Camp Yakety-Yak
Inclusive day camp specializing in social-emotional skills for success in the classroom, playground, neighborhood, and home. Cost is about $12/hour. Designed for children who do not use words for communication. 1:1 assistance included as well as speech therapy inspired curriculum.
(971) 303-3901 ♦ office@campyaketyyak.org
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/409ce8_2ca6b277766b78a7f8c6e8381e15905b.png/v1/fill/w_143,h_164,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/409ce8_2ca6b277766b78a7f8c6e8381e15905b.webp"/>
Resource #4601
Central Oregon Disability Support Network
Family network devoted to connecting families with resources and each other to recognize, promote and value diversity in a welcoming community. Jefferson, Deschutes, and Crook counties.
(541) 548-8559
<img src="https://www.codsn.org/uploads/6/0/6/9/6069575/5958944.png?1379529376"/>
Resource #4664
Community FORCE
Eastern Oregon network of families who can share resources and ideas as well as their diverse backgrounds with others.
<img src="https://www.communityforcefn.org/uploads/6/0/6/9/6069575/communityforce-1_orig.png"/>
Resource #4670
Community Vision
Person-centered support that is tailored to the unique needs and goals of people and family’s. Programs include supported living, employment services, financial education and savings plans, affordable housing resources, family education, and assistive technology consultations and trainings.
(503) 292-4964
<img src="https://cvision.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/cv-ftr-logo-coral.png"/>
Resource #4649
Cornell University Person-centered Planning Education Site
Overview of the person-centered planning process, a self-study course covering the basic processes involved, links to helpful resources, and downloadable content.
(607) 255-7727 ♦ ilr_yti@cornell.edu
<img src="https://www.ytionline.org/images/yti-logo.png"/>
Resource #4604
Creating Opportunities
Family Network that supports children with disabilities, their families, and communities in creating opportunities together in Marion, Polk, and Yamhill counties.
(503) 559-0424 ♦ support@creatingops.org
<img src="https://www.creatingops.org/wp-content/themes/CreatingOpsNoNews1/images/logo-687996463.png"/>
Resource #4665
Disability is Natural
Articles and resources on person-first language.
(210) 320-0678
<img src="https://nebula.wsimg.com/a0b4fd7724aba4ea149fb9c002e25765?AccessKeyId=9D6F6082FE5EE52C3DC6&disposition=0&alloworigin=1"/>
Resource #4616
Disability Rights Oregon
Provides tools and advocacy strategies to Oregonians with disabilities for upholding their civil rights. Based on the input they receive from the community, they prioritize issues that will have the greatest impact on the lives of the greatest number of Oregonians.
(503) 243-2081
<img src="https://droregon.org/wp-content/uploads/DRO-long-600-e1550725158521.png"/>
Resource #4625
Early Start Denver Model for Young Child with Autism
Presents effective ways to assess students’ strengths and weaknesses, create supportive instructional environments, and promote specific skills, such as organization, time management, sustained attention, and emotional control.
<img src="https://www.guilford.com/covers/large/9781462535316.jpg"/>
Resource #4594
Easter Seals of Oregon
Therapy, advocacy, and other services throughout the state. Also a good resource for summer camp.
<img src="https://www.easterseals.com/shared-library/affiliate-logos/easterseals-oregon-logo.png"/>
Resource #4621
Employed Persons with Disabilities (EPD)
A DHS program that provides medical coverage and long-term services to people with disabilities who are employed. If you are eligible to participate, person will be charged a nominal fee based on their income.
(800) 282-8096
<img src=""/>
Resource #4659
Employment First: I Work We Succeed
Efforts by Oregon’s Employment First initiative to promote the benefits of paid, integrated work in community jobs for people with I/DD.
<img src="https://www.oregon.gov/DHS/EMPLOYMENT/EMPLOYMENT-FIRST/PublishingImages/i-work-we-succeed-00.png"/>
Resource #4660
FACT Oregon
Offers peer delivered family support, dedicated to having programming be by families for families. Help Oregonian families each year navigate barriers, create inclusive cultures in schools and communities through trainings, peer-to-peer support, and community building opportunities
(503) 786-6082
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Resource #4623
Families Connected through The Arc Lane County
Families Connected was created by families for families raising a child who experiences an intellectual and/or developmental disability. Families Connected helps reduce isolation and build community connections for families living in Lane County.
(541) 343-5256 ♦ nancy.berge@arclane.org
<img src="https://www.arclane.org/content/uploads/sites/27/2018/08/Arc_LaneCo_Color_Pos_PNG.png"/>
Resource #4666
Families Engaging and Thriving Together Family Network
Network of family’s who believe that: “When families unite, they become stronger and share a more optimistic vision of a future without limitations. By promoting a positive understanding of disabilities, our communities are able to share in the belief that our children can achieve their goals and dreams while leading a full, abundant life.”
(541) 670-2557 ♦ info@featt.org
<img src="https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/5d142e43fabd6a0001afebe6/1565542113039-WXGRIGJXYX6HRQ7G864M/FEATT+LOGO+WITH+DROP+SHADOW.png?content-type=image%2Fpng"/>
Resource #4667
Family Advocacy and Support Network
Agency who aims to facilitate and build collaboration among families with disabilities and our community as we build greater inclusion, welcoming, empowerment and mutual support in Klamath County
<img src="https://www.fasnfamilynetwork.org/uploads/6/0/6/9/6069575/fasn-cover-photos-1_orig.png"/>
Resource #4669
Free Geek
Refurbishes technology to provide computers, education and job skills in exchange for community service.
(503) 232-9350 ♦ info@freegeek.org
<img src="https://www.freegeek.org/themes/custom/bene_frgk/logo.svg"/>
Resource #4608
Harper’s Playground
Inclusive playground at Arbor Lodge Park in North Portland.
(503) 730-5445 ♦ info@harpersplayground.org
<img src="https://www.harpersplayground.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/hp-logo-regular-172x47.png"/>
Resource #4603
Helen Sanderson Associates
Offers online learning and training programs as well as face-to-face to make person-centered approaches accessible to everyone. Also have person-centered approach books. Committed to innovation, learning, and developing new ways to support organizations to become more person-centered.
(805) 403-5013 ♦ marybeth@helensandersonassociates.com
<img src="https://helensandersonassociates.co.uk/wp-content/themes/hsa/images/hsa-logo.png"/>
Resource #4626
Hocks Noise Breakers
Ear plugs that block out background noise but allow the user to hear and carry on a conversation for purchase.
(503) 274-9482 ♦ customerservice@hocksproducts.com
<img src="https://www.hocksproducts.com/yahoo_site_admin/assets/images/LOGO2.354122850_std.jpg"/>
Resource #4615
Resources from Davit Pitonyak on challenging behaviors. Inclusive links and articles.
(540) 552-5629 ♦ davidpitonyak@icloud.com
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Resource #4617
Incight’s mission is to empower people with disabilities to become contributing members of society, by leading them through several dynamic programs focused in the areas of Education, Employment, Networking and Independence.
(971) 244-0305
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/a485c6_2ee81fb42fe3426aa1587c86d3c28cde~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_239,h_89,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/INCIGHT-2018-Logo-no-tag.webp"/>
Resource #4588
Uses the Irlen Method, a non-invasive technology that uses colored overlays and filters to improve the brain’s ability to process visual information.
(800) 554-7536
<img src="https://irlen.com/wp-content/themes/irlen/images/logo-two.png"/>
Resource #4598
Kintsugi Disability Support Network
Connects families experiencing disabilities and our community through awareness, connection, education and resources in Klamath County.
(541) 238-2263 ♦ info@kdsupportnetwork.org
<img src="https://www.kdsupportnetwork.org/uploads/6/0/6/9/6069575/kintsugi_1_orig.jpg"/>
Resource #4668
Life Course Tools
Life Course resources, tools and training materials developed to meet a diverse array of needs and purposes. Do trainings using several dissemination strategies including: One-on-one, small or Large Groups, Interactive or Speaker format, Print, video and live sessions and varying length depending on target audiences.
(800) 779-8652 ♦ info@lifecoursetools.com
<img src="https://www.lifecoursetools.com/wp-content/uploads/circles-sans-text-2016-768x768.png"/>
Resource #4624
Making Magic Tours
Travel tours in Oregon and Washington offered to people with Developmental Disabilities. Custom trips available upon request.
(866) 546-5180 ♦ MakingMagicTours@comcast.net
<img src="https://www.makingmagictours.com/"/>
Resource #4596
Meadowood Springs Speech and Hearing Camp
Summer camp in Eastern Oregon/Pendleton area designed specifically to serve Child ages 6-14 with communication disorders and their families. Intensive, accelerated speech therapy combined with outdoor activities such as swimming, fishing, canoeing, hiking, field games, dances, campfires and songfests. Four and six-day family immersion camp available also, in partnership with PACE Place.
(541) 276 – 2752
<img src="https://meadowoodsprings.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Meadowood-large-color-white-002.png"/>
Resource #4590
A way to connect with community groups and find out about events your area.
<img src=""/>
Resource #4619
National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making
National Resource Center for Supported Decision-Making partners bringing nationally recognized expertise and leadership on Supported Decision-Making, representing the interests of and receiving input from thousands of older adults and people with I/DD. They have applied Supported Decision-Making in groundbreaking legal cases, developed evidence-based outcome measures, successfully advocated for changes in law, policy and practice to increase self-determination and demonstrated Supported Decision-Making to be a valid, less-restrictive alternative to guardianship.
(202) 448-1448 ♦ JHJP@dcqualitytrust.org
<img src="https://supporteddecisionmaking.org/imgs/social_media/join.png"/>
Resource #4653
Navigating College
Information on transitioning from high school to college for people with autism.
<img src="https://navigatingcollege.org/images/asan.png"/>
Resource #4587
Northwest Down Syndrome Association
Aims to empower and support families and individuals dealing with developmental disability including Down Syndrome.
(503) 238-0522
<img src="https://nwdsa.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/NWDSA-logo-tagline.png"/>
Resource #4634
Northwest Regional Education Service District
A leader in providing special education, instructional services and technology support to the 20 school districts in Clatsop, Columbia, Tillamook and Washington counties, Oregon.
(503) 614-1428
<img src="https://www.nwresd.org/uploads/1/3/9/2/13928214/nwresd-logo-h-cmyk-3.jpg"/>
Resource #4592
Office of Developmental Disability Services (ODDS)
Support for seniors with IDD.
<img src=""/>
Resource #4635
Office of Developmental Disability Services (ODDS)
Promotes and provides services that are person-centered and directed, flexible, community inclusive, and supportive of the discovery and development of each individual’s unique gifts, talents and abilities.
(503) 945-5600
<img src=""/>
Resource #4648
Open Future Learning
Teaches a broad range of subject areas regarding intellectual disabilities, with modules on subjects including: Active Support, Person-Centered Approaches Thinking and Planning, Challenging Behavior, and Supported Employment. Range of multimedia tools that engage the user including: interactive graphics that explain abstract concepts, short films with closed captions, animation, and audio that is synced to all written content.
(631) 385-5090 ♦ hello@openfuturelearning.org
<img src="https://www.openfuturelearning.org/images/logo-01.svg"/>
Resource #4628
Oregon Bar Association
The mission of the Oregon State Bar is to serve justice by promoting respect for the rule of law, by improving the quality of legal services, and by increasing access to justice.
(503) 620-0222 ♦ info@osbar.org
<img src="https://www.osbar.org/_images/_/index/new/masterlogo.png"/>
Resource #4672
Oregon Care Partners
Helps caregivers improve the lives and care of aging Oregonians by providing access to no-cost, high-quality trainings in all corners of the state.
(800) 930-6851 ♦ info@oregoncarepartners.com
<img src="https://oregoncarepartners.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cropped-ocp-logo.png"/>
Resource #4650
Oregon Consortium of Family Networks (OCFN)
A place to help for parents become healthier family units, stronger advocates for their children, and active in their communities.
<img src="https://ocdd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/OCDD-Logo-01-4.png"/>
Resource #4632
Oregon Department of Education -Special Education
A Special Education resource to parents, teachers and administrators and provides access to available information, documents and guidelines.
(503) 947-5600
<img src="https://apps.oregon.gov/Application/CDN/Enterprise/images/logos/Oregon/oregon-gov-color.svg"/>
Resource #4657
Oregon DHS Family Caregiver Program
Program Standards provide information on the Family Caregiver Support program including a description of the program, federal requirements and reporting, services and unit descriptions.
(503) 945-5600
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Resource #4651
Oregon DHS Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Rehabilitation services made available to people with disabilities who have difficulty finding or keeping a job.
(503) 945-5880
<img src="https://apps.oregon.gov/Application/CDN/Enterprise/images/logos/Oregon/oregon-gov-color.svg"/>
Resource #4658
Oregon Family Support Network
Families and youth working together to promote mental, behavioral and emotional wellness for other families and youth through education, support, and advocacy.
(503) 363-8068
<img src="https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/75540050_2664347556936966_8353991276558811136_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&_nc_ohc=21yE7IqRb2AAX-oaIi4&_nc_ht=scontent-sea1-1.xx&oh=1c77fe82abfd7f1b032321a15765a114&oe=5ECC469E"/>
Resource #4662
Oregon Public Guardian
Court appointed, surrogate decision makers for adults incapable of making some or most of the decisions needed to be safe due to significant cognitive impairment. The Oregon Public Guardian only serves in this role as a last resort; where there are no less restrictive alternative to guardianship to resolve the identified safety risk.
(503) 378-6848 ♦ opg.info@oregon.gov
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Resource #4656
Oregon Rise Center
Provides services for people with disabilities including residential settings, day programs, employment assistance, managed care, and home and community based services. Services for Child and families through foster care and professional parenting, adoption, kinship care, after school and summer programs, behavior supports, and mental health services. Also provides Early Intervention services which includes Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy and Developmental Specialists.
(503) 371-3001
<img src="https://riseservicesinc.org/wp-content/themes/rise/images/logo.svg"/>
Resource #4593
Oregon Special Needs Trust (OSNT)
A pooled trust established in 1999 by The Arc Oregon to offer families a dependable, affordable way to provide financial security and an enhanced quality of life for their loved ones, while preserving the benefits that they depend on in their daily lives.
(503) 581-2726
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Resource #4671
Oregon Technology Access Program (
Provides training, information, technical assistance and resources regarding the uses of technology for children with disabilities.
(541) 440-4777
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Resource #4638
Oregon Training and Consultation (OTAC)
A program of The Arc Oregon providing Supported Decision-Making information and training opportunities.
(503) 364-9943
<img src="https://www.otac.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/04/OTAC-full-logo-web-100h.png"/>
Resource #4655
Oregon’s Statewide Assistive Technology Program
Provides information on selecting, funding, installing and using assistive technology.
(503) 361-1201
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Resource #4637
Path Finders For Autism
Autism Resource Center providing autism-specific information and resources. Aims to support and improve the lives of individuals affected by autism through expansive, individualized programming, and by providing resources, training, information and activities free of charge.
(443) 330-5341
<img src="https://pathfindersforautism.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/cropped-pathfinders-white-bg-2-1.png"/>
Resource #4611
Portland Public Schools Parent Academy
Parent Academy is a collaboration between Portland Public Schools and community-based partners to acknowledge, honor, support and promote family involvement in student achievement.
(503) 916-2000 ♦ schoolboard@pps.net
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Resource #4630
Providence Child Disability Connection
Help parents of children with disabilities feel competent in addressing day to day issues in their child’s life through information, training and referrals.
(503) 574-6595
<img src="https://oregon.providence.org/~/media/Images/Providence%20OR/logo2x.png?h=86&w=356"/>
Resource #4622
Quality Mall
Free information about person-centered supports for people with I/DD.
(612) 624-6328
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Resource #4618
Quiet Waters Outreach
Provides services to restore their spiritual, physical, emotional and mental health of individuals with developmental disabilities, their families and caregivers.
(503) 620-8288 ♦ info@quietwatersoutreach.org
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Resource #4652
Sandbox Learning
Personalize Child’s books. Alter characters and the text to personalize the story’s content. Collection of Child’s stories addresses emotional, social, safety, and communication skills to foster character development.
(800) 704-7815
<img src="https://www.sandbox-learning.com/T1_images/SL_web_layout_r1_c1.jpg"/>
Resource #4597
Sensory Story Time
Storytime which is open to all preschoolers and especially geared to Child with sensory integration issues.
(503) 988-5123
<img src="https://multcolib.org/sites/all/themes/multco_lib/images/library-logo.svg"/>
Resource #4599
Sheff Kids
One Page Profile Templates.
<img src=""/>
Resource #4606
Social Security Disability Benefits
Information on applying for Social Security Disability Benefits.
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Resource #4643
SORCe -Self-determination Online Resource Center
Online resource center linking individuals and families, caregivers, professionals, payers, and government policymakers with information and tools to facilitate self-direction in the use of disability-related services and supports.
(877) 350-6463 ♦ info@openminds.com
<img src="https://mysorce.org/wp-content/themes/om-microsite-optum/inc/assets/img/sorce-logo.png"/>
Resource #4610
Special Olympics Oregon
Special Olympics Oregon enriches the lives of thousands of children and adults with intellectual disabilities and their communities in Oregon through sports, education, and athlete health.
(503) 248-0600
<img src="https://www.soor.org/Images/banner-logo.jpg"/>
Resource #4654
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Resource #4642
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)
Offers food benefits to eligible, low-income individuals and families. Apply on-line, contact your local DHS office, or ask at the ADRC.
(503) 945-5600
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Resource #4644
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Pays benefits to people who can’t work because they have a medical condition or disability. Federal law requires a very strict definition of disability. Apply for Supplemental Security Income at the nearest federal Social Security office.
(800) 772-1213
<img src="https://www.ssa.gov/framework/images/logo.svg"/>
Resource #4641
Support Development Associates
Specialized consultation and training organization designed to promote the abilities and talents of every individual and every agency they engage; especially in Person-centered thinking, planning, and practices resources.
(410) 626-2707 ♦ info@sdaus.com
<img src="https://static.wixstatic.com/media/6211f4_4eddb9c97e0b4d1b98aa36001834915d~mv2.png/v1/fill/w_120,h_196,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/6211f4_4eddb9c97e0b4d1b98aa36001834915d~mv2.webp"/>
Resource #4605
Teach Autism Program
Conducts training nationally and internationally and provides consultation for teachers, residential care providers, and other professionals from a variety of disciplines. Research activities include psychological, educational, and biomedical studies.
<img src="https://teacch.com/wp-content/themes/heelium-med/images/SchoolMedicine_logo_dark.svg"/>
Resource #4591
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
Provides cash assistance to low-income families with children while they strive to become self-sufficient. Cash assistance is intended to meet a family’s basic needs such as food, clothing, shelter and utilities.
(503) 945-5600
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Resource #4645
The Arc Center for Future Planning
Tools and information to help families with a person with I/DD plan for the future. On-line planning available.
<img src="https://futureplanning.thearc.org/assets/public/the_arc_logo-037d3dbc8ba8eaece5de492982d0aee02eadb61dc1cd550c8b58be9364441d70.png"/>
Resource #4673
The Oregon Disability Network
Information on opportunities, events and news for the I/DD community.
(503) 235-0369 ♦ info@ocdd.org
<img src="https://ocdd.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/OCDD-Logo-01-4.png"/>
Resource #4631
The Oregon Technology Access Program (OTAP):
Provides training, information, technical assistance and resources regarding the uses of technology for children with disabilities.
(541) 440-4791
<img src="https://douglasesd.k12.or.us/sites/douglasesd.k12.or.us/files/desd-logo-60h.png"/>
Resource #4607
The Sibling Support Project
Support for Child who have siblings with special needs. Includes local “Sibshops” peer support get togethers, online peer support and supportive information.
(425) 362-6421 ♦ info@siblingsupport.org
<img src="https://www.siblingsupport.org/logo.png"/>
Resource #4586
The Sidney and Lillian Zetosch Fund of the Oregon Community Foundation
Application and information for low income assistance with purchasing adaptive equipment for children to assist with education.
(503) 494-8618
<img src="https://www.ohsu.edu/"/>
Resource #4614
The University of Oregon Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities
Resources and assistive technology. Works with individuals and their teachers in educational contexts (preschool, and k-12), with families and with various community agencies.
(541) 346-3591 ♦ ucedd@uoregon.edu
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Resource #4609
Think About Your Life
Person-centered thinking and planning tools draw years of experience of working with people at times of major change or challenge in their life.
(818) 695-4334 ♦ amanda@thinkaboutyourlife.org
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Resource #4627
Work Incentives Benefits Counseling
Work Incentives Network (WIN) and Plan for Work, who provide benefits and work incentives counseling services. Their services are free to the participant and are provided by certified benefits and work incentives coordinators.
(800) 661-2571 ♦ win.refer@state.or.us
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Resource #4661