Board & Committees
The Arc Oregon volunteers serve a vital role in guiding the direction and providing essential oversight of the organization. We are always looking for people who want to make a difference in the lives of Oregonians with IDD by serving as a leader of The Arc Oregon.
2024-2025 Board of Directors

Thomas Phipps
West Linn

John Merrick-Russell

Rebecca Hill

Ed Little

Felicity Wood

Jeff Whalen

Kaaren Londahl

Chelsey Yingling

Kimberly Taylor

Director #5

Director #6
Members at Large

Diane Scottaline
Now Accepting Applications for Committee Members
Committees are accepting new members. Review committee descriptions and estimated time commitments and click here to submit an online application.
Positions are open to any community member who is interested in supporting the mission of The Arc Oregon. Self-Advocates and Family Members of children and adults who experience IDD are encouraged to apply.
Get Involved
Board of Directors are elected every year at our annual convention in May. Committees are always recruiting new members! Tell us about yourself and your interest volunteering at The Arc Oregon by submitting our online application.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee includes the four elected officers, the immediate past-president, and an appointed member of the board from the directors or at-large positions. This committee addresses urgent business that arises in between regular board meetings, and may work on special projects as agreed to by the Board.
Committee members are set by The Arc Oregon bylaws to included elected officers and 1 board appointed member. This committee meets as needed.
Board Development
The Board Development Committee assures that the composition of the Board of Directors of The Arc meets the current and future leadership needs of the organization. The Committee establishes recruiting priorities, conducts outreach, screens and evaluates applicants, and recommends board and officer candidates, as well identifying potential members for The Arc’s committees.
Committee members are elected and meet for 1 hour per month from September through April.
Public Policy
The Public Policy Committee identifies and researches current issues facing Oregonians with I/DD and their families to recommend the agenda for The Arc Oregon’s advocacy efforts during the legislative session and throughout the year. The committee works with staff to develop and draft policy and position statements for review and approval by the Board.
Committee membership is open to the community. This committee meets for 1 hour per month except during legislative sessions. During active sessions, meetings are weekly with frequent electronic communication in between meetings.
The Finance Committee oversees The Arc Oregon’s financial health. The Committee reviews and recommends approval of the annual budget, monitors financial performance and legal and regulatory fiscal compliance. It oversees the annual audit, develops and provides oversight on financial policies and practices, and reviews and makes recommendations on The Arc’s investments and investment policies.
Committee membership is open to the community. This committee meets for 1 hour every other month and may have electronic communications or occasional special meetings as needed.
The GAPS committee advises and provides oversight of the Guardianship, Advocacy, and Planning Services program. The committee reviews annual guardianship plans prepared by staff and advises the Board on necessary changes to program policies, fees, and overall direction of the program.
Committee membership is open to the community. This committee meets for 1 hour every month and may have electronic communications in between meetings as needed.
Committee membership is open to the community. This committee meets for 1 hour every other month and may have electronic communications or occasional special meetings as needed.