Disability Rights Oregon – CO-PRESENTER

At Disability Rights Oregon, we believe all people should have opportunities to have meaningful and fulfilling lives, including holding a job, having a place to call home, and hanging out with friends and family in the community.

Residential Facilities Ombudsman – CHAMPION SPONSOR

503-378-6852 or 844-674-4567 Visit Our Website https://youtu.be/9LYVhIHaeJ8 The Residential Facilities Ombudsman program (RFO) provides service to over 10,000 Oregonians living in approximately 2,600 homes and facilities licensed or certified for […]

How do I login?

We have removed the login feature of our website. This will improve website speed and make it easier to access training and other resources.

How do I access training content?

As of 10/17/2022, registered attendees will no longer be required to log in to access course content. If you are registered for an upcoming class, you were sent an email from training@thearcoregon.org or no-reply@mg.thearcoregon.org with more information.

How can I get help?

If you need assistance, please email us at training@thearcoregon.org.