Chapter Spotlight: The Arc Mid-Columbia
The Arc Mid-Columbia advocates to ensure our population of all ages impacted by intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) live a more meaningful life. Our area chapter was organized and incorporated in 2002 serving the Hood River, Wasco, Sherman, and Gilliam County area, and is affiliated with The Arc of the United States and The Arc Oregon. We are an all-volunteer non-profit (501-C3) organization with no paid staff. The Arc Mid-Columbia Board of Directors includes volunteers of local self-advocates, family members, professionals, and interested citizens. Following an outstanding board training put on by Emily Braman, ED The Arc of Oregon, on November 23, 2024, we were able to grow our Board of Directors from five to a total of 13 directors.

Our activities focus on advocating for the rights of the Arc’s constituency with the intent of improving the quality of life for those experiencing IDD. We strive to achieve a public understanding of the strengths, contributions and needs of our constituency. We promote and advocate for best practices in the field of services, supports and inclusion to the IDD community. We recognize the importance of working with community and state partner organizations, professionals and those who promote and support the core values of The Arc.
Through partnerships with individuals and local organizations, our chapter’s all volunteer force sponsors regular get-togethers, networking, educational and social activities, and special projects for our members and friends. The Arc Respite Care Fund was designed to help family caregivers enjoy a much-needed break, and the Arc Special Needs Fund continues to help individuals with limited incomes to do or acquire something special that would not otherwise be affordable. The Arc Friendship Club offered monthly social activities and companionship to our membership for many years until finally ending due to the detrimental impacts of the pandemic. Next up we hope to sponsor monthly membership gatherings that will include various fun activities in both The Dalles and Hood River. We have also published Arc newsletters intermittently to keep our members informed on local IDD issues.
Our annual projects have included a Valentine Gala and the Halloween Monster Ball, a Spring Hoe Down, a Spring Fling and annual picnics. We sponsored monthly Zoom get togethers of the Friendship Club and board meetings during the covid pandemic but have resumed in person activities now that it is safer to do so. Our recent Holiday Gathering was held at the Columbia Gorge Senior Center with 35 individuals making holiday decorations plus a decorative picture frame just right to contain their photo while enjoying the party. Please check out our website and/or Facebook page for additional details. Our last general membership meeting was enjoyed with pizza at Spooky’s Restaurant in The Dalles.
This year one of our goals is to increase awareness about the Arc, our membership and to build our support base through a special membership drive. The best way to do this is bringing on new participants and supporters to The Arc. We rely on assistance through membership and giving of time, skills, and donations. One of our most important goals over the next year is to bring in new ideas and approaches throughout the Columbia Gorge area. Our vision is to be more inclusive across all age ranges by addressing and serving the needs of pre and school age children, their families and friends, as well as the adult IDD population.
We hope to make changes in membership communications using internet communications via email, text and Facebook for interacting and connecting with our members regarding events and a local newsletter. We will continue to use regular mail as in the past to those who wish to communicate with The Arc.
Thank you so much, together we all can help many individuals experiencing IDD to live more satisfying and meaningful lives in our communities.