We are proud to honor outstanding individuals and organizations who are doing amazing things within their community to support people with IDD.
Every year as part of our annual state convention we celebrate the hard work and achievements of people and organizations that have made a positive impact in the lives of people with IDD. Please help us by nominating someone you know who deserves recognition for their efforts.
Educator of the Year Award
Awarded to an educator using unique and innovative teaching practices that benefit people with I/DD. Nominees must teach students or adults with I/DD, or teach people (i.e., vocational or residential staff or college students) who teach people with I/DD and must be actively engaged in the teaching profession during the year the award is presented.
Employer of the Year Award
Awarded to an individual or business that has employed people with IDD for a minimum of one year, and has promoted the independence, integration, and/or community participation of the employee(s). Nominees should represent a business, industry or government of any size or type in the state of Oregon.
Good Neighbor of the Year Award
Awarded to an individual or a group (including business, volunteer or community organizations) making a special contribution to the quality of everyday life in the community for people with IDD. Nominees must not have received any numeration for their services to people with IDD and cannot be a local chapter or business run through The Arc.
Youth of the Year Award
Awarded to a school-aged individual or group that has made a special contribution to the quality of life of a person or people with IDD. Nominees must not have received remuneration for their activities benefiting people with IDD.
Volunteer of the Year Award
Awarded to an individual volunteer who has made an outstanding contribution to the quality of life for people with IDD, or as a volunteer for The Arc at the state or local level. Nominees must not have received any remuneration for their services to people with IDD.
Sarolta Nagy Memorial Award
Awarded to an individual with IDD who has made a special contribution to the quality of life for people with IDD in the community or statewide. Nominees must be at least 18 years of age at the time of their nomination.
Al Soenneker Memorial Award
Awarded to a professional or provider for making a significant contribution to the lives of people with IDD through innovative practices in service, program development, or research. Nominee’s employment must actively promote the independence and inclusion of people with IDD.
Sylvia Mann Capper Memorial Award
Awarded to a parent, volunteer or professional who has made an outstanding contribution in the field of IDD which has had a significant statewide impact on the lives of people with IDD. Nominees must be known statewide throughout Oregon.