Oregon 2021 Legislative Wrap-up

The Arc Oregon has spent the past six months working with legislators, community partners and you to make a difference during Oregon’s legislative session. The Session ended this past weekend and there were some big wins!

Covid-19 Resources

Image of mother kneeling down to help son put on protective mask

Use this list of state and federal resources to help navigate through the massive amount of information related to COVID-19.

Provider Spotlight: Yadi Sado

A Black woman and an older white woman. The Black woman has her arm around the other's shoulder and is waving at the camera

Provider Spotlight: Yadi Sado by Diane Pearson, GAPS advocate In January 2024 I coordinated a move for Barb, one of the people I support, into Yadi and Emmanuel’s Adult Foster […]

Spotlight: The Arc of Benton County

A group of three people with disabilities showing their blue CommCards, standing next to two police officers

The Arc Benton County’s Access and Empowerment Department is busy! Their team has been working on some major projects and we want to share about them.

Remainder Fund Grants Awarded in 2024

A mom with her son. The son is in a walker.

When someone who has a first-party account with the Oregon Special Needs Trust dies, 50% of money left in their account stays in the trust. The Arc Oregon and OSNT use this money for grants. These support people with disabilities who do not otherwise have enough resources to meet their needs or reach their goals.

Chapter spotlight: The Arc Mid-Columbia

Chapter Spotlight: The Arc Mid-Columbia The Arc Mid-Columbia advocates to ensure our population of all ages impacted by intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) live a more meaningful life. Our area […]

Provider Spotlight: Sonia

From left to right, Marna, Marina, Sofia, and Jorjgina

The Arc Oregon wants to thank and publicly recognize the hard work and care Sofia puts in to ensure the people in her homes receive the best care.

Matthew: A story of support and success

Matthew: A story of support and success The Arc Oregon’s Guardianship, Advocacy, and Planning Services (GAPS) program has three advocates that provide medical representation, personal advocacy, and guardianship for people […]

Welcoming The Arc Oregon’s newest staff

Welcoming The Arc Oregon’s newest staff This year The Arc Oregon has welcomed two new staff members: Lydia Fujinaga, as OSNT administrative assistant, and Kelli Wainscott, as ERC consultant. We […]

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We have removed the login feature of our website. This will improve website speed and make it easier to access training and other resources.

How do I access training content?

As of 10/17/2022, registered attendees will no longer be required to log in to access course content. If you are registered for an upcoming class, you were sent an email from training@thearcoregon.org or no-reply@mg.thearcoregon.org with more information.

How can I get help?

If you need assistance, please email us at training@thearcoregon.org.