Guardianship, Advocacy & Planning Services
The Guardianship, Advocacy and Planning Services (GAPS) program was established in 1978 in response to parents’ concerns about who might support their child with I/DD when they were no longer able. Today, our GAPS team supports over 70 adults in 17 Oregon counties as legal guardian, health care representative, and/or advocate.
Whatever our role, we treat everyone we support with dignity and respect, and encourage self-reliance and independence to the greatest extent possible. Utilizing legal guardianship only as a last resort, we strive to ensure a good life for people we support through team collaboration, person-centered planning and supported decision-making.
Legal Guardianship
A court may appoint The Arc Oregon serves as legal guardian to a person who needs support and/or safeguarding. This appointment is accepted in the GAPS program only if alternative supports have been explored and determined to be insufficient.
Health Care Advocates
Our GAPS advocates can serve as a Health Care Representative when asked by a person or appointed by their Individual Support Planning team. This support can be provided for a specific medical decision or for ongoing needs related to general medical care.
Future Planning
In a 2017 survey of families, 54% indicated they have no plan in place for the future of their family member who experiences IDD. We are available to help navigate those difficult conversations and offer information and resources to create a comprehensive plan.
Person Centered Planning
We offer a variety of person-centered facilitation options for people who experience IDD to create a plan for their future. Our certified facilitators help the planning process stay focused on the person to ensure they are active participants in the planning for their own life.
Personal Advocacy
Our advocates are experienced and skilled in advocating for the rights of people with IDD. If you are experiencing difficulty in getting the supports and services you need, we may be able to help you advocate for yourself and your family.