Impossible concept with hand pressing a button on blurred abstract background

Personal Planning Services

With the right tools and supports, anyone can have the life they want!

We offer a variety of person-centered facilitation options for people that want to create a plan for their future. Our certified person-centered plan facilitators help the planning process stay focused on the person to ensure they are active participants in the planning for their own life.

We are here to help you decide which planning process is best for your particular planning goals.

Person Centered Planning

Person Centered Planning (PCP) is a guided process for learning how someone wants to live and be supported. Our skilled facilitators offer a variety of ways to approach planning. 

With all types of person-centered plans, the person is at the center of the planning process, which relies on a shared set of values and easy to use tools designed to plan with a person, not for them. The process focuses on a person’s strengths, gifts, and skills, and allows a safe space for brainstorming ideas for overcoming obstacles and creating realistic strategies for success.

Planning Tools

Our trained facilitators have many tools and resources to offer you and your planning team so that your planning process works best for you.

Some of these include:

Ready to Get Started? Here's How it Works!

1. Meet with the Facilitator

Schedule a consultation with our facilitator to review the planning process and gather information.

2. Coordinate your Team

Decide who will be invited to participate in the planning meeting/process. The facilitator can help you identify and invite people you know and trust.

3. Have the Planning Meeting

You and your team will meet somewhere you feel comfortable to talk about your goals and dreams.

4. Share Your Plan

Our facilitator will finalize and share your plan with the team to make sure everyone understands what part each person will play in carrying out the plan.

5. Follow Up!

The plan doesn't mean anything without actively putting things in place. Our faciliator will follow up with the team to make sure things are moving forward.

How do I login?

We have removed the login feature of our website. This will improve website speed and make it easier to access training and other resources.

How do I access training content?

As of 10/17/2022, registered attendees will no longer be required to log in to access course content. If you are registered for an upcoming class, you were sent an email from or with more information.

How can I get help?

If you need assistance, please email us at