DSP Connections – Partner Sponsor

Visit Our Website Meet our Partner Sponsor! We work closely with our clients and their guardian or families, to get to know each person’s needs and understand their support requirements. […]

RISE Services, Inc

Visit Our Website Since 1987, RISE has provided practical, professional, and personal growth opportunities for children, adults, and their families. With our innovative approach, we are dedicated to transforming the […]

Therap Services

Stan Higgins Business Development Consultant 916–250-0808 stan.higgins@therapservices.net Visit Our Website Please feel free to get in touch with us for the latest information or to arrange for a demonstration Therap […]

Employment Resource Connection

Employer Resource Connection logo

Alice MasseyProgram Manager 1-888-442-5550 amassey@thearcoregon.org Visit Our Website Email us to get started The Employer Resource Connection (ERC, formerly known as STEPS) program offers free resources for people who are […]

Guardianship, Advocacy and Planning Services

GAPS logo

Michal RalstonProgram Director 503-581-2726 mralston@thearcoregon.org Visit Our Website The Guardianship, Advocacy and Planning Services (GAPS) program was established in 1978 in response to parents’ concerns about who might support their […]

Oregon Special Needs Trust


Cici Gaynor Program Director 503-581-2726 cgaynor@thearcoregon.org Visit Our Website Planning for the future is a critical part of caring for a loved one with a disability. The Oregon Special Needs Trust […]

Northwestern Mutual of Salem

Jared Virtue Wealth Management Advisor 503-798-9262 jared.virtue@nm.com Visit Our Website Contact me via Email Northwestern Mutal of Salem A distinctive, comprehensive planning process that puts YOUR needs first. This is […]

Oregon Training and Consultation

Jennie HeidrickProgram DirectorPronouns: she, her 503-581-2726 training@thearcoregon.org Visit Our Website Oregon Training and Consultation (OTAC), was originally incorporated in 1984 as Ore­gon Tech­ni­cal Assis­tance Cor­po­ra­tion. After 34 years as an […]

Sample Exhibitor

Company Rep Phone | Email Visit Our Website Request a Consultation Promotional Banner or VideoLorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipiscing This is a sample of a virtual exhibitor booth […]

How do I login?

We have removed the login feature of our website. This will improve website speed and make it easier to access training and other resources.

How do I access training content?

As of 10/17/2022, registered attendees will no longer be required to log in to access course content. If you are registered for an upcoming class, you were sent an email from training@thearcoregon.org or no-reply@mg.thearcoregon.org with more information.

How can I get help?

If you need assistance, please email us at training@thearcoregon.org.