Oregon Training and Consultation

Oregon Training and Consultation (OTAC), was originally incorporated in 1984 as Ore­gon Tech­ni­cal Assis­tance Cor­po­ra­tion. After 34 years as an independent nonprofit organization, OTAC became a program of The Arc Oregon on April 1, 2018. 

The OTAC team teaches practical skills for supporting people who experience disabilities with the dignity and respect they deserve.

With 35 years of experience in innovative educational opportunities for professionals, families and people who experience a disability, the OTAC team is here to help with a variety of training and consultation services, including:

Click any of the links above to learn more about our services.

How do I login?

We have removed the login feature of our website. This will improve website speed and make it easier to access training and other resources.

How do I access training content?

As of 10/17/2022, registered attendees will no longer be required to log in to access course content. If you are registered for an upcoming class, you were sent an email from training@thearcoregon.org or no-reply@mg.thearcoregon.org with more information.

How can I get help?

If you need assistance, please email us at training@thearcoregon.org.