GAPS Satisfaction Survey

Thank you for taking time to complete our brief survey. Before we begin, please review this information for accuracy.

While your responses to this survey will be transmitted and stored securely, we ask that you not include any confidential or personally identifiable details in your survey responses.

If this information is not correct, please notify us by replying to the invitation email you received or call (503) 581-2726 for assistance.

If this information is correct, click Next to begin the survey.

How do I login?

We have removed the login feature of our website. This will improve website speed and make it easier to access training and other resources.

How do I access training content?

As of 10/17/2022, registered attendees will no longer be required to log in to access course content. If you are registered for an upcoming class, you were sent an email from or with more information.

How can I get help?

If you need assistance, please email us at